

6 Mistakes A Trekker Should Never Make

Mistakes a trekker should never make

Trekking is fun besides being a good stress-buster. But it can also get pretty dangerous if you are not careful enough. Every year thousands of nature lovers visit Kullu-Manali in Himachal Pradesh for trekking in the beautiful Himalayas and get down the mountains as joyous souls.

However, in recent years, number of trekkers, who have gone missing or even died in the mountains of Kullu-Manali has risen, making safety lessons a must for all trekkers. In most of these cases, small mistakes played a major role in tragedies that could have been averted. Here is a list of mistakes, a trekker should never, ever, make.

1. Never trek where you don’t know your way

a path in the forest

It’s the golden rule of trekking. Don’t go up a mountain until and unless you know your way. Many people commit the mistake of trekking in the mountains without knowing the right path and get themselves in trouble. There can’t be anything worse than losing your way in forests with no one able to reach you in the absence of phone network. If you know your way, good, but if you don’t, then go with a professional guide.

2. Never leave your group


Mountains are beautiful but they can also be treacherous. If you are trekking in a group then stay with the group. Don’t leave your group and venture out up there. Many people have gone missing in the mountains of Kullu-Manali especially in the Parvati valley after breaking away from their groups. Stay with your group till the end.

3. Never trek in a weather called Unsuitable

malana weather

Weather is God when it comes to trekking in the mountains. You must avoid trekking in bad weather conditions. At higher reaches, it snows pretty fast without any warning and trust me you wouldn’t like to get caught in a blizzard while trekking. Snow makes trekking extremely difficult along with increasing the chances of you losing your way.

4. Never trek without proper gear and enough food

trek food

Carrying essential trekking gear and enough food is a must while trekking. You never know what situation you may find yourself in. Along with suitable clothes and shoes, you must carry trekking essentials including a knife, emergency kit, lighter, a flashlight etc. You must be fully prepared for the trek and must know all the trekking essentials for a good and successful experience.

5. Never get high while trekking

No doubt trekking is fun but some tend to take it a little too lightly. While trekking, you must stay away from alcohol and other stimulants. A number of people including foreigners, who have gone missing while trekking in the mountains of Kullu-Manali in the last around two decades, were allegedly high on hash. Due to easy availability of hash including Malana Cream in Kullu-Manali, many people like to experiment it while trekking. But if you don’t want to get in trouble then just stay away!

6. Never panic

panic trekking

And finally, whatever happens up there in the mountains -– you lose your way, you get caught in bad weather or you get injured -– never panic. When you panic, you lose half the battle. And if you maintain your cool, you’ll beat all the odds.

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