1. Manali is jam-packed in May and June. You can get stuck in horrible traffic jams in and around Manali. Around 15000 to 20,000 vehicles enter Manali every day during summers.

Horrible traffic jams

2. There is no relief even on the road from Manali to Atal Tunnel. Over 6 lakh vehicles entered Lahaul Spiti in first six months of 2023.

No relief 

3. Hotel tariffs shoot through the roof as most of them start over-charging due to immense crowd.

Room rates up

4. There is a price-surging everywhere due to the heavy rush of visitors. You end up paying more for Rafting, Paragliding, Trekking etc. Food rates also shoot up.

Price surge

5. Also, most hotels are booked in advance and finding a decent accommodation in Kullu-Manali during these two months becomes quite a headache.

No vacancies

6. You escape city crowd to get stuck in even bigger crowd in Manali. All tourist spots are jam-packed, giving you no solace whatsoever.


7. You may never appreciate the beauty of Manali during summers. Manali is truly beautiful, when not crowded. So visit then.

So beautiful