This 'haunted tunnel' is situated in Barog on Kalka-Shimla rail track in Himachal Pradesh.

Locals believe the tunnel, which has been closed, is haunted and claim to have seen the ghost of Colonel Barog here.

Barog haunted tunnel looks scary even in daytime.

Colonel Barog was a British engineer, tasked with building the tunnel in Barog.

By the way, Barog town, tunnel and the Barog railway station are all named after Col Barog only.

And like all good ghost stories, this too begins with a dead body.

Colonel Barog had ordered workers to dig the tunnel in Barog from both ends.

But Col Barog had miscalculated and both ends of the tunnel did not align with each other.

After British government fined Colonel Barog Rs 1 as an exemplary punishment, Colonel Barog shot himself dead on the track.

Soon afterwards, the word spread that the incomplete tunnel, also called the Old Tunnel, is haunted.

A new tunnel, Tunnel No 33, was constructed in place of the old one.

But locals say Col Barog never left the old tunnel and has been sighted here many a times.

We didn't meet Mr Barog in the tunnel but  for sure it appeared scary as hell.

May be next time!