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Of all the British-era cemeteries in Himachal Pradesh, the ones in Dagshai are the most well-known because of one particular grave.

The grave of Mary Rebecca Weston or Mem Ki Qabr as locals call it.

Locals say that Mary's ghost wanders here and one should stay away from the Dagshai cemetery.

But childless couples from far off places come to Dagshai to visit Mary's grave and believe her ghost is kind and helping.

Mary's grave in Dagshai is more than 100-year-old. 

There is a sad story behind this grave’s popularity.

Mary was a nursing officer in the British army and married to Major George Weston.

Both Mary and her husband were posted in the military hospital in Dagshai and lived here. 

Though married for years, the couple was childless.

As fate would have it, 17 years after their marriage, marry conceived but she died in labour pain with her unborn child on December 10, 1909.

Both mother and her unborn child were buried in the cemetery in Dagshai as the grieving husband got a beautiful marble tombstone made.

Years and decades passed by and a legend took birth — that, marble pieces from Mary’s grave bring good luck.

Childless couples from far off places started visiting the grave and taking away marble pieces, almost destroying Mary’s tombstone.

And an initiative was launched by a heritage group and the tombstone was restored to its former elegance.

A grille has now been placed around the restored tombstone to protect it from the visitors.

But Mary's legend lives on.